Some of the themes are admired traits of:
- Plain working folks with common sense, not those Washington elites who tell us how to live
- States’ rights, not federal government authority
- Individualism, not collectivism
- Low, or no taxes, not redistributive progressive taxation
- Individual effort, not welfare
- Personal overcoming of problems, without government programs
- Voluntary charity, not wealth redistribution
- Strong, aggressive, even bellicose defense policy, not nuanced negotiation
- Absolutism, not compromise
- Religion, not secularism
- Strict morality, not permissiveness
- Moral interpretation of sickness, weakness, poverty, crime, bad luck
- Personal toughness, not mood-altering drugs (except for alcohol, nicotine, painkillers etc.)
- Free market economics, not government regulation or interference
- Strict, even literal interpretation of the constitution, without reliance on judicial precedent
- Isolationism not internationalism
- Uninhibited access to guns and weapons of all kinds, not regulation
- Racial, or at least ethnic homogeneity, not multiculturalism
- Tradition, not change
- Untrammeled business practice, not labor unions
- Economic growth, not inhibited by environmentalism or land use policy
- Fear of God, intolerant of atheism or agnosticism
- Non-acceptance, or intolerance of non-Christian religions
- Non-acceptance, or intolerance of non-democratic forms of government
- Heterosexuality only, no other patterns of sexuality
- Anti-abortion, anti-free choice about conception
- Merciless on crime, no mitigating circumstances
- Appearance more than reality
- Simple rather than complex solutions
- Intuition or gut feeling, more than reason
- Small government not large
- Passive government, not activist
- Government that spends no money except on constitutionally defined purposes
- Conformity over creativity
- American exceptionalism, not ordinariness
- Low tolerance for and acceptance of different cultures, ways of life
- Historical amnesia, not connectedness
I think that list hits the main points. These were culled from campaign speeches from the current midterm elections and other speeches going back to the 1950’s, such as speeches by Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan, and others.
Democratic speeches tend to emphasize the mirror image of those values, but this is about

The fear arises from these sources: 1. Childhood abuse and/or neglect; 2. Just bad parenting in childhood; 3. Poverty in early life. 4. Poor early socialization leading to social exclusion, victimization, and low self-esteem.
To manage this deep-seated fear, Republicans, unconsciously, engage in “reaction formation,” a defense mechanism that emphasizes and exaggerates strength, fearlessness, prosperity, membership, high esteem, moral probity, social status. Of course everyone would like to enjoy those attributes, but when they arise from a psychological defense system, they become unrealistic, highly exaggerated, grotesquely inappropriate, because they are based on deep, unconscious emotion. These desired values are displayed bigger and louder than is necessary or even reasonable, because they have the impossible burden of keeping the lid on fear.

Big guns, big military, bellicose policies? Of course. It covers up the weakness that might be evident in nuanced negotiation. Big business and wealth? By all means. That means strength, not weakness. Government regulation? None needed. Regulation is like mom or dad telling you what you can or cannot do. It is victimization, and that cannot be tolerated. Taxes? The fewer the better, because paying taxes is victimization, giving up your hard earned money/strength/respectability to a tyrant. States’ rights? Yes! Submitting to mandates of the federal government is just like being sent to your room. It is victimization. Leave us alone.

How can Democrats win elections? By minimizing fear, providing safety and prosperity. By convincing ordinary voters that they are OK, and that everything is going to be alright. Just the way you calm a child who is afraid. What you do NOT do is try to explain to them the tax codes or Fed policy, long term strategies for reducing the debt, or the subtle chess games of international politics. That is not what elections are about. It is not a rational issue. It is all about fear, and overcoming it, despite the campaign rhetoric that tries to focus attention instead on rational, intellectual, policy debates. That’s all just cover talk for the real issue: fear.
People hate negative “attack” ads because they are

Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” programs were only possible because, despite the Vietnam war, it was a time of prosperity. People (most voters) were not personally, psychologically afraid.

Are Democrats immune from this unconscious fear-driven approach to life, most of the time? Not entirely, but there is a difference. In brief, Democratic psychology is bimodal. There is a hump of poor, undereducated, badly socialized, socially marginalized, but communal-living people at the low end and a highly educated, self-aware, critical thinking hump at the high end. The low mode are the likely beneficiaries of Democratic compassion and government largess, but they are also exactly what a Republican unconsciously fears. Republicans eschew the unwashed masses but they can draw votes from them when people feel the fear.
This is a story that satisfies me, after many years of thinking about why people vote against their own self-interests.